In Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali, the poet reflects on the nature of God and the relationship between humans and the divine. The poem begins by describing God as the master of human beings, repairing their damaged bodies and filling them with fresh life. The poet compares himself to a flute, through which God’s breath flows as an eternal melody. The poet is deeply moved by God’s touch, and feels blessed to receive God’s infinite gifts.
The poem also explores the idea that God is present among the poorest and most marginalized members of society. The poet reflects on the depth of God’s connection to these people, and how egoistic individuals cannot fully understand or reach God. The poet feels a sense of confusion and fear, as he struggles to find a way to connect with God and live a meaningful life.
Overall, the major theme of Gitanjali is devotion to God, and the poet’s search for a deeper understanding and connection to the divine. The poem explores the idea that God is all-pervading and present everywhere, and that through devotion and selflessness, humans can come into direct contact with the infinite. Tagore’s Gitanjali is influenced by Indian philosophical thought, and offers a rich and nuanced exploration of the relationship between humans and the divine.