There are several steps that you have to take after you have finished publishing an article, the goal is for the article you wrote to get better grades. I mean the value here, there are several kinds, ranging from error rate, use of structure, number of visitors and comments obtained, and so on. You don’t want to, right, that hard-earned writing can’t get the most out of it? Everyone’s probably going to say yes. It’s unfortunate that for example, an article you wrote for more than 2 hours can’t live up to your expectations. Like not being able to get many readers for example. After all, some of these steps also have a not very high level of ketchup and time when compared to your efforts in writing articles. And one way to get a higher score is to do some of these things. Wondering what it is? Please check out the following article:
1. Read it
Hah? For what? There are two benefits. The first is to judge it and the second to fix it. By reading your own writing, you can judge anything that is still lacking and wrong from your writing, and after discovering its flaws, then the next step is to correct the shortcomings and mistakes you found earlier. After all, come to think of it, writing an article is much harder than reading an article? Well, that’s it, if you already know about it, start reading the article yourself, whatever, want when doing a preview or after performing it. What’s corrected? Most importantly, errors in writing such as punctuation errors and letter placement. Then after that, if it does have a lot of time, it may also be possible to add completeness of its contents. It’s a real loss if for example there is an article whose contents are complete, but it turns out that there are many errors in the placement of the letters. The quality that should be viewed well by the reader is finally damaged by a small mistake.
2. Utilizing Social Networks
Already on social networking, right?
According to Wikipedia,
A social network is a social structure formed from vertices (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are intertwined with one or more specific types of relationships such as values, visions, ideas, friends, offspring, etc.
Still don’t understand? It doesn’t matter, because, in this article, we only discuss what social networks will be used in article optimization, not understanding, and history. For examples of social networking yourself such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, etc. Currently, I only use Facebook in my article optimization. In facebook optimization, try getting up and using a fan page. Or for those who don’t already have a large number of followers, try using blogger groups on Facebook. For a lot of it, just type keywords like “blogger group” in the search bar.
3. Blogwalking
Well, this is one that may take a lot of time and effort. In order for the articles, you publish to be widely read and commented on, then one of the ways that proven effective to do so is by blogwalking. Maybe you guys are already in the know that blogwalking yourself is not a guarantee to get visits and comments back. Therefore, make a good comment when you are blog walking. More importantly, blogwalking into blogs with similar niches. The goal is for you to make better comments. Because when you comment on articles with similar niches, an automatic knowledge of yours must also be quite a lot, well take advantage of that knowledge to make better comments. Also pay attention to your health, because writing an article takes a long time, while blogwalking also takes no less time. Then your health may be impaired.
4. Observe and Reply to Comments
Now, if the previous 3 steps have been completed, your next task is to observe and reply to all comments submitted by your readers. This last step is no less important because by replying to comments from readers, it means that you have increased the readers’ love for your blog. Obviously an advantage, right? This can make visitors who were originally just regular readers turn into frequent returning readers, or more commonly known as loyal readers. This last step is also arguably the most flexible because it doesn’t have to be done right after the article is published. It just depends on the comments that come in, if when you publish an article it turns out that there are already comments coming in, then reply right away. While the numbers are still small. If on the day you publish the article you find no comments coming, then just do other activities. If there are too many comments coming in, don’t reply to all of them, you must be tired. Just reply to comments that are really urgent, such as comments in the form of questions.
Thanks for sharing this useful information! Hope that you will continue with the kind of stuff you are doing.